Apostle Joseph Mintah
Founder & Leader
Apostle Joseph Mintah is the president and founder of Torchworld Ministries, an all-encompassing network of ministries made up of; All for Christ Youth Mission, Torchworld Ministries International, This Same Jesus Healing Campaign, Mission J127, Torchworld school of Ministry, Guys and Gals Counselling Foundation and others.
He was born again and received the infilling of the Holy Spirit at a tender age of 9. The following year, at an adult camp meeting, he received his first impartation for ministry.
Since that time, he has been actively involved in serving the Lord. He started teaching adult Bible study class at the age of 15.
From 1992 to 1999, he together with his parents were involved in Church planting activities and rural evangelism.
From 2000 to 2004, he served as the President of the Young adults ministry at Calvary Charismatic Center. At the same time, he was the Director of the pre youth Department. A role he played from 2002 to 2014.
He started his youth evangelistic outreaches in 2001 by preaching in various senior high schools in the country.
Through the outreaches, he got a team of young vibrant students who decided to follow him in his evangelistic efforts.
On 13th December 2016, he has an encounter in which the Lord commissioned him to reach out to the youth in these words
I will put my mouth to your mouth and breathe into you. And cause you to speak my word. I will put a torch in your hand and you will light the fire in the heart of many young people and release them into the harvest, just as Samson caught 300 foxes, joined their tail two by two, put a torch in between their tails and released them into the fields of the philistines. The Harvest is truly plenteous.
This commission was further confirmed in a number of dreams. Consequently, in 2010, he officially registered and launched All for Christ Youth Mission. Through out the years the vision has grown in leaps and bounds. Apostle Joseph Mintah is gifted in the areas of Leadership, Teaching, Counselling, Healing, Deliverance and the ministration of the Spirit.
Through out his ministry, he has had several encounters in dreams and visions, some of which birthed most of the many aspects of his ministry including the healing campaigns and his writing ministry.
He is an author with 12 books to his credit and more than 50 unpublished books waiting for the right time.
He also a modern-day Joseph with a mandate to lead both in the market place and the pulpit. He is the Managing Director of Jo-Mint Associates Ltd, a private Construction firm which was started by his father.
He is happily married to Dorothy Mintah and they have three beautiful girls namely Charisa(nick named Miracle), Chara (nick named Prophetic) and Christa (nick named Dunamis).